• Smudge Sticks

Smudge Sticks

Regular price $14.00

Wildcrafted, homegrown and sustainably-sourced plant material bound with love. For prayer, and ceremonial use. Unravel as you burn.

We work with sacred plants that do not promote the endangerment of over-harvested and sacred use of the Native American peoples of the Americas. The sacred plants we choose from come from our garden, West Texas, and New Mexico regions. Our favorite plants to work with are Mugwort, Rosemary, High Desert Sagebrush, Chaparral, Texas Roses, and Lavender. We bundle up the sacred smoke herbs with love in our hearts and work with what's growing happily and in season.

  • High Sun Low Moon
Where life is slow, and mother Earth is happier ✹ Welcome to Beyond the Haus ✹